146、岳旭,王胜,王树东,丁万昱 Enhancements on volatile organic compounds (VOCs) adsorption and desorption performance of ZSM-5 by fabricating hierarchical MCM-41 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
145、百玉婷,王胜,宗绪鹏,王树东 Insights into the effect of Cu and Fe dispersion state over Ce0.1Al on the catalytic performance of NO reduction by CO Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
144、李大卫,苏宏久,严华,王树东 SiO2包覆膜对介孔PdSiO2催化蒽醌加氢制备双氧水的作用研究 材料导报
143、王晓庆,崔健,顾一鸣,王硕,周谨,王树东 “一锅法”制备聚(苯乙烯-丙烯酸)共聚物改性的硅基固定相及其在混合模式液相色谱中的应用 色谱
142、王朔,王胜,宗绪鹏,王树东,董晓丽 CO oxidation with Pt catalysts supported on different supports: A comparison of their sulfur tolerance properties APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL
141、岳旭,王胜,李德伏,赵玉军,王树东,丁万昱 Experimental and numerical investigations on the adsorption/desorption performance of low concentration VOCs over H-ZSM-5 with different SiO2/Al2O3 ratios INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
140、谢文祥,张振宇,王丽,崔祥祥,虞诗强,苏宏久,王树东 Chemical mechanical polishing of silicon wafers using developed uniformly dispersed colloidal silica in slurry Journal of Manufacturing Processes
139、马嘉川,郭明星,王胜,王树东 水滑石基臭氧分解催化剂性能研究 燃料化学学报
138、严华,刘小伟,周俊宏,李大卫,杨晓野,顾一鸣,苏宏久,王树东 An amine-modified Pd-based catalyst for highly-efficient 2-amylanthraquinone hydrogenation FUEL
137、邢德风,王胜,樊芸,张海军,王婷,汪明哲,王树东,王建成,潘大海,宋学顶 Formation of PCDDFs, PCBs and HCl during catalytic combustion of chlorobenzene over supported transition metal (Cr, V and Cu) oxide catalysts Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
136、顾一鸣,袁悠悠,陈彩玲,赵生生,孙天军,韩宇,刘小伟,赖志平,王树东 Fluorido-Bridged Robust Metal-Organic Frameworks for Efficient C2H2/CO2 Separation under Moist Condition Chemical Science
135、王丽,任高远,谢文祥,张静玮,潘登,苏宏久,王树东 Controllable synthesis of core-shell SiO2@CeO2 abrasives for Chemical Mechanical Polishing on SiO2 film COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS
134、李大卫,苏宏久,严华,杨晓野,周俊宏,王树东 The Effects of AlPO-n Additives as Catalytic Support on Pd-Catalytic Hydrogenation of 2-Amylanthraquinone Process Catalysts
133、王晓庆,崔健,周谨,王硕,顾一鸣,刘小伟,王树东 Preparation of polyacrylamide hydrophilic stationary phases with adjustable performance JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A
132、李鹏鹏,王胜,王树东 Unravelling the synergistic promotion effect of simultaneous doping Fe and Cr into Cu-based spinel oxide on methanol steam reforming INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY
131、符启军,王胜,王婷,邢德风,岳旭,汪明哲,王树东 Insights into the promotion mechanism of ceria-zirconia solid solution to ethane combustion over Pt-based catalysts JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS
130、邢德风,王胜,王建成,潘大海,宋学顶 TiO2负载V-W复合双金属催化剂氯苯催化燃烧性能研究 燃料化学学报
129、王淑瑶,程昊,吉茂,张学彬,王树东,李超,王明登,孙刚森 改性活性焦负载 Ni-Ce 双功能催化剂富氧一体化脱除 NO 和 CO 燃料化学学报
128、顾一鸣,齐海峰,Salman Qadir,孙天军,魏瑞聪,赵生生,刘小伟,赖志平,王树东 A Two-Dimensional Stacked Metal-Organic Framework for Ultra Highly-Efficient CO2 Sieving CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
127、Salman Qadir,顾一鸣,Sajjad Ali,李德伏,赵生生,王胜,Hu Xu,王树东 A thermally stable isoquinoline based ultra-microporous metal-organic framework for CH4 separation from coal mine methane CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
126、任高远,苏宏久,王树东 纳米氧化硅制备的成核过程:I.工艺条件的影响 材料导报
125、王婷,王胜,符启军,邢德风,王树东 Enhanced water-resistance of Mn-based catalysts for ambient temperature ozone elimination: roles of N and Pd modification CHEMOSPHERE
124、王婷,王胜,符启军,邢德风,王树东 负载型贵金属催化剂的臭氧分解性能 工业催化
123、顾一鸣,王雅慧,赵生生,樊红军,刘小伟,赖志平,王树东 N-Donating and Water-Resistant Zn-Carboxylate Frameworks for Humid Carbon Dioxide Capture from Flue Gas FUEL
122、吉茂,程昊,王淑瑶,张学彬,王树东,程昊 CexSnyO2双金属氧化物催化剂用于富氧条件下NO和CO的同时脱除 应用化工
121、顾一鸣,袁悠悠,Salman Qadir,袁中山,赵生生,孙天军,刘小伟,王树东 Mixed-Linker Metal-Organic frameworks for carbon and hydrocarbons CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
120、符启军,王胜,王婷,岳旭,百玉婷,李鹏鹏,汪明哲,王树东,王胜 Size-dependence of Pt-based catalysts for ethane catalytic combustion ChemistrySelect
119、Salman Qadir,苏宏久,李德伏,顾一鸣,赵生生,王胜,王树东 Low-cost preferential different amine grafted silica spheres adsorbents for DAC CO2 removal Journal of Energy Chemistry
118、任高远,苏宏久,王树东 纳米氧化硅制备的成核过程:II.成核阶段的可视化研究 材料导报
117、顾一鸣,齐海峰,孙毯毯,刘小伟,Salman Qadir,孙天军,李德伏,赵生生,David Fairen-Jimenez,王树东 Insights into the Ultra-High Volumetric Capacity in a Robust Metal−Organic Framework for Efficient C2H2/CO2 Separation CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS
116、鹿靖麟,王胜,赵琨,王婷,倪长军,汪明哲,王树东 负载型过渡金属氧化物催化剂催化分解臭氧性能研究 燃料化学学报
115、李正玲,张学彬,吉茂,王淑瑶,王树东,程昊 CuW/CeZr catalysts: a dual-function catalyst for selective catalytic reduction of NO and CO oxidation under oxygen-rich conditions CATALYSIS LETTERS
114、李正玲,程昊,张学彬,吉茂,王淑瑶,王树东,程昊 The comparative study on the catalytic activity ofCu Catalysis Science & Technology
113、吕丽荣,王胜,丁亚,张磊,高杨,王树东 Mechanistic insights into the contribution of Lewis acidity to brominated VOCs combustion over titanium oxide supported Ru catalyst CHEMOSPHERE
112、Salman Qadir,李德伏,顾一鸣,袁中山,赵玉军,王胜,王树东 Experimental and Numerical investigations on the separation performance of [Cu(INA)2] adsorbent for CH4 recovery by VPSA from oxygen-bearing coal mine methane CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL
111、顾一鸣,齐海峰,Salman Qadir,孙天军,赵生生,赖志平,刘小伟,王树东 Fructose to Sorbents: Synthesis of Metal−Organic Frameworks ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering
110、Salman Qadir,李德伏,顾一鸣,袁中山,赵玉军,王胜,王树东 Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Enhanced Separation Performance of Medical Oxygen Concentrator through Two-bed Rapid Pressure Swing Adsorption INDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH
109、韦小丽,王胜,倪长军,汪明哲,王树东 Trade-off between redox ability and reactive behaviors for acrylonitrile selective catalytic combustion over the Cu-Ce-based UZM-9 catalysts APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL
108、丁亚,王胜,张磊,吕丽荣,王树东 Effects of niobium on the acidity and activities of Pd/xNb/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 catalysts for CH4 combustion Catalysis Communications
107、吕丽荣,王胜,丁亚,张磊,高杨,王树东 Reaction mechanism dominated by HSAB theory for the oxidation of CH2Cl2 and CH3Br over Ru-doped titanium oxide catalyst Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
106、韦小丽,王胜,徐德康,王树东 Mechanistic insights on the reaction behaviors of the acrylonitrile selective catalytic combustion over Cu-based UZM-9 Journal of Hazardous Materials
105、连聪金,魏秋红,高典楠,苏宏久,王树东 UiO-67和大孔硅胶复合微球的制备及用于高效液相色谱固定相 分析试验室
104、岳旭,王胜,高杨,刘旭,李德意,王建成,郝兵元,王树东 VOCs在吸附剂上吸附性能的热力学研究 燃料化学学报
103、高杨,王胜,吕丽荣,李德意,岳旭,王树东 NiAl2O4催化燃烧丙烷性能研究 应用化工
102、高杨,王胜,吕丽荣,李德意,岳旭,王树东 Insights into the behaviors of the catalytic combustion of propane over spinel catalysts Catalysis Letters
101、吕丽荣,王胜,丁亚,张磊,高杨,王树东 Deactivation mechanism and anti-deactivation modification of Ru/TiO2 catalysts for CH3Br oxidation Chemosphere
100、吕丽荣,王胜,丁亚,张磊,李德意,王树东 The dependence of CH3Br catalytic combustion over Ru/TiO2 catalyst on the crystal phase of TiO2 Applied Surface Science
99、任高远,苏宏久,王树东 The combined method to synthesis silica nanoparticle by Stöber process Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
98、韦小丽,王胜,倪长军,汪明哲,王树东 Trade-off between redox ability and reactive behaviors for acrylonitrile selective catalytic combustion over the Cu-Ce-based UZM-9 catalysts(Synergistic effect of the Ce and Cu species by regulated redox ability for acrylonitrile removal over the Cu-Ce-based UZM-9 catalysts) Applied CatalysisA,General610(2021)117960-117968
97、吕丽荣,王胜,丁亚,张磊,高杨,王树东 Mechanistic insights into the contribution of Lewis acidity to brominated VOCs combustion over titanium oxide supported Ru catalyst Chemosphere
96、张磊,王胜,倪长军,汪明哲,王树东 Ozone elimination over oxygen-deficient MnOx based catalysts:effect of different transition metal dopants Chemical Engineering Science
95、郭亚,孙天军,刘小伟,柯权力,韦小丽,顾一鸣,王树东 Cost-effective synthesis of CHA zeolites with controllable morphology and size Chemical Engineering Journal 2019,vol(358),331-339
94、柯权力,孙天军,韦小丽,郭亚,徐舒涛,王树东Quanli Ke, Tianjun Suna, Xiaoli Wei, Ya Guo, Shutao Xua, Shudong Wang Economical synthesis strategy of RHO zeolites with fine-tuned composition and porosity for enhanced trace CO2 capture Chemical Engineering Journal 359 (2019) 344–353
93、魏秋红,苏宏久,高典楠,王树东Qiuhong Wei, Hongjiu Su1, Diannan Gao1,Shudong Wang HPLC with cellulose Tris (3,5‐DimethylPhenylcarbamate)chiral stationary phase: Influence of coating times and coating amount on chiral discrimination Chirality 2019:31:164-173
92、徐德康1,2,王胜1* ,丁亚1,2,张磊1,2,汪明哲1,王树东1 ZSM - 5 分子筛负载金属氧化物催化剂催化燃烧含丙烯腈废气的性能 工业催化 工业催化,2019,vol.27(4),39-44
91、刘小伟,顾一鸣,孙天军*,郭亚,韦小丽,赵生生,王树东* Water Resistant and Flexible MOF Materials for Highly Efficient Separation of Methane from Nitrogen Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019, 58, 20392−20400
90、韦小丽,柯权力,程昊,郭亚,袁中山,赵生生,孙天军*,王树东* Seed-assisted synthesis of Cu-(Mn)-UZM-9 zeolite as excellent NO removal and N2O inhibition catalysts in wider temperature window Chemical Engineering Journal 391 (2020) 123491-123501
89、魏秋红,连聪金,苏宏久,高典楠,王树东 Composite of ZIF-8 and totally porous silica gel for HPLC stationary phase Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2019(288): 109574-159580
88、丁亚,王胜*,张磊,吕丽荣,徐德康,刘伟,王树东 Investigation of supported palladium catalysts for combustion of methane: the activation effect caused by SO2 Chemical Engineering Journal 382 (2020) 122969 382,2020,122969-122980
87、丁亚,王胜,张磊,吕丽荣,高杨,王树东 Deactivation of PdO-alumina catalysts caused by SO2: the effect of support calcination Catalysis letters 2020,150,1471-1478
86、Mohcin Akri, Ouafae Achak, Pascal Granger, 王胜 , Catherine Batiot-Dupeyrat, Tarik Chafik "Autothermal reforming of model purified biogas using an extruded
honeycomb monolith: A new catalyst based on nickel incorporated
illite clay promoted with MgO" Journal of Cleaner Production 171 (2018) 377-389
85、王垚、苏宏久、华秋茹、王树东Yao Wang, Hong-Jiu Su, Qiu-Ru Hua, Shu-Dong Wang王垚,苏宏久,华秋茹,王树东 From nanoparticles to nanorods: Insights into the morphology changing mechanism of ceria Ceramics International,Volume 44, Issue 18, 2018, 23232-23238
84、郭亚,孙天军,顾一鸣,刘小伟,柯权力,王树东 Organic-Free, ZnO-Assisted Synthesis of Zeolite FAU with Tunable SiO2/Al2O3 Molar Ratio Chemistry-An Asian Journal,vol(13),Issue(9),1114-1118
83、郭亚,孙天军,顾一鸣,刘小伟,柯权力,韦小丽,王树东 Rational Synthesis of Chabazite (CHA) Zeolites with Controlled Si/Al Ratio and Their CO2/CH4/N2 Adsorptive Separation Performances Chemistry-An Asian Journal,vol(13),Issue(21),3222-3230
82、张磊,王胜,丁亚,吕丽荣,陈雅图,徐德康,王树东 Facile Synthesis of γ-MnOOH Nanorods via a Redox Precipitation Route Using Oxygen and Their Thermal Conversion ChemistrySelect vol3,Issue42 11908-11913
81、陈雅图,王胜,陈志萍 四氧化三钴催化燃烧形貌效应研究 应用化工,2018,Vol. 47 No. 10,2045-2048
80、刘乾锋,陈志萍,燕召,王垚,王二东,王胜,王树东,孙公权 Crystal-Plane-Dependent Activity of Spinel Co3O4 towards water splitting and oxygen reduction reaction ChemElectroChemVolume 5, Issue 7
79、陈雅图,王胜,陈志萍,丁亚,张磊,吕丽荣,王垚,徐德康,王树东 Synthesis of Co3O4 nanoparticles with controllable size and their catalytic properity Solid State Sciences,vol82,2018,78-83
78、柯权力,孙天军,程昊,刘小伟,郭亚,赵生生,曾舒,王树东 Accelerated Construction of High-Silica RHO and CHA Zeolites via Interzeolite Transformation and Their NH3−SCR Performances after Copper Exchange INDUSTRIAL&ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH,2018,57,16763-16771
77、韦小丽,孙天军,柯权力,刘小伟,王树东 晶种法合成UZM-9分子筛及其CO2/CH4/N2吸附分离性能 燃料化学学报2017 第45卷,第7期,863-870
76、柯权力,孙天军,韦小丽,郭亚,王树东 Enhanced Trace Carbon Dioxide Capture on Heteroatom-Substituted RHO Zeolites under Humid Conditions Chemsuschem 2017,10,4207-4214
75、柯权力,孙天军,程昊,陈海军,刘小伟,韦小丽,王树东 Targeted Synthesis of Ultrastable High-Silica RHO Zeolite Through Alkali Metal-Crown Ether Interaction Chemistry-An Asian Journal,2017,12,1043-1047
74、丁亚,王胜,张磊,陈志萍,汪明哲,王树东 A facile method to promote LaMnO3 perovskite catalyst for combustion of methane Catalysis Communications2017,97,88-92
73、郭亚,胡江亮,刘小伟,孙天军,赵生生,王树东 Scalable solvent-free preparation of [Ni-3(HCOO)(6)] frameworks for highly efficient separation of CH4 from N-2 Chemical Engineering Journal2017,327,564-572
72、刘小伟,郭亚,Andi Tao,Michael Fischer,孙天军,Peyman Z. Moghadam, David Fairen-Jimenez,王树东 "“Explosive” synthesis of metal-formate frameworks for methane capture: an experimental and computational study Chemical Communications,2017,53,11437-11440
71、刘小伟,孙天军,郭亚,柯权力,王树东 Facile and Mild Synthesis of Metal-Formate Frameworks for Methane Adsorptive Separation" Chemistry. Letters. 2017, 46, 1766–1768
70、陈志萍,王胜,丁亚,张磊,吕丽荣,汪明哲,王树东 Pd catalysts supported on Co3O4 with the specified morphologies in CO and CH4 oxidation Applied catalysis A:General2017,532,95-104
69、韦小丽,孙天军,陈海军,赵生生,王树东 晶种法合成高水热稳定性UZM-9分子筛 "应用化工第46卷第12期 2290-2294 2017
68、胡江亮,孙天军,刘小伟,赵生生,王树东 Rationally tuning the separation performances of [M3(HCOO)6]frameworks for CH4/N2 mixtures via metal substitution Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 225(2016) 456-464
67、胡江亮,孙天军,刘小伟,郭亚,王树东 Separation of CH4/N2 mixtures in metal-organic frameworks with 1D micro-channels RSC Advances 2016 6 64039-64046
66、李晓彤,苏宏久,任高远,王树东 The role of MgO in the performance of Pd/SiO2/cordierite monolith catalyst for the hydrogenation of 2-ethyl-anthraquinone Applied Catalysis A: General 517( 2016),168-175
65、李晓彤,苏宏久,李大卫,陈海军,王树东 Highly dispersed Pd/AlPO-5 catalyst for catalytic hydrogenation of 2-ethylanthraquinone Applied Catalysis A: General 528( 2016),168-174
64、李晓彤,苏宏久,任高远,王树东 Effect of Metal Dispersion on the Hydrogenation of 2-Amyl Anthraquinone over Pd/Al2O3 Catalyst Journal of the brazilian chemical society 2016 vol27 No6,1060-1066
63、刘为钢,王胜,王树东 Effect of impregnation sequence of Ce promoter on the microstructure and performance of Ce-promoted Rh-Fe/SiO2 for the ethanol synthesis Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016, 510: 227-232
62、高秀慧,王胜,高典楠,陈志萍,刘为钢,汪明哲,王树东 Palladium Supported on Carbon Nanotubes for Methane Catalytic Oxidation CHEMICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY. 2016, 39, No. 5, 960–968
61、华秋茹,苏宏久,顾一鸣,王树东 微反应器应用于可控制备纳米CeO2晶体的研究 应用化工,2016 45,10,1812-1815
60、刘小伟,胡江亮,孙天军,郭亚,Tomas Bennett,任新宇,王树东 Template-based Synthesis of a Formate Metal–Organic Framework/Activated Carbon Fiber Composite for High-performance Methane Adsorptive Separation Chemistry An Asian Journal,2016 Volume 11, Issue 21 Pages 3014–3017
59、刘小伟,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Composites of metal-organic frameworks and carbon-based materials: preparations,functionalities and applications JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A,2016,4,3584-3616
58、陈志萍,王胜,刘为钢,高秀慧,高典楠,汪明哲,王树东 Morphology-dependent performance of Co3O4via facile andcontrollable synthesis for methane combustion Applied Catalysis A: General 525 (2016) 94–102
57、高秀慧,王胜,高典楠,刘为钢,陈志萍,汪明哲,王树东 Pd/MWCNTs贫燃甲烷催化燃烧性能研究 燃料化学学报,2016 vol:44,期8,928-936,
56、王胜,Xiaotao Bi,王树东 Boiling Heat Transfer in small rectangular channels at Low Reynolds number and Mass Flux Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 77 (2016) 234–245
55、胡江亮,孙天军,任新宇,王树东 HF-assisted synthesis of ultra-microporous [Mg3(OOCH)6] frameworks for selective adsorption of CH4 over N2 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials204 (2015) 73–80
54、闫春迪,程昊,袁中山,王树东 The role of isolated Cu2+ location in structural stability of Cu-modified SAPO-34 in NH3-SCR of NO "Environmental Technology, 2015
Vol. 36, No. 2, 169–177
53、苏敏,苏宏久,杜宝磊,李晓彤,任高远,王树东 Effect of drying technique on the physical properties of mesoporous silica synthesized in the microreactor Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 2015, 73(2): 460-468
52、苏敏,苏宏久,杜宝磊,李晓彤,任高远,王树东Min Su, Hongjiu Su, Baolei Du, Xiaotong Li, Gaoyuan Ren, Shudong Wang Mesoporous silica with monodispersed pores synthesized from the controlled self-assembly of silica nanoparticles Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2015, 32(5): 852-859
51、杜宝磊,苏宏久,王树东Baolei Du, Hongjiu Su, Shudong Wang Palladium supported on carbon nanofibre coated monoliths for three-phase nitrobenzene hydrogenation: influence of reduction temperature and oxidation pre-treatment Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. 2015, 25: 997-1004
50、杜宝磊,苏宏久,王树东Baolei Du, Hongjiu Su, Shudong Wang Monolithic catalysts for hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline: influence of aluminum suspension properties Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 2015, 73(1): 48-53
49、孙天军,任新宇,胡江亮,王树东 Tianjun Sun, Xinyu Ren,Jiangliang Hu, Shudong Wang Experimental evaluation of the adsorption, diffusion and separation of CH4/N2 and CH4/CO2 mixtures on Al-BDC MOF Separation Science and Technology. 2015, 50(6): 874-885
48、任新宇, 孙天军, 胡江亮, 王树东 金属有机骨架材料在吸附分离CH4/N2中的研究进展 现代化工. 2015, 35(1): 23-29
47、杜宝磊,苏宏久,王树东 纳米碳纤维/堇青石蜂窝陶瓷催化剂载体的制备及影响因素研究 化工新型材料.2015,8: 51-53
46、倪长军、袁中山、王胜、李德意、张骋、李箭、王树东 Study on an integrated natural gas fuel processor for 2-kW solid oxide fuel cell International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 40(2015)15491-15502
45、李晓彤,苏宏久,任高远,王树东Xiaotong Li,abc Hongjiu Su,ab Gaoyuan Renab and Shudong Wang* A highly stable Pd/SiO2/cordierite monolith catalyst for 2-ethyl-anthraquinone hydrogenation RSC Advance,RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 100968–100977
44、刘为钢,王胜,孙天军,王树东 The promoting effect of Fe doping on RhCeO2 for the ethanol synthesis Catalysis Letter (2015) 145:1741–1749
43、王胜,Tony Bi, 王树东 Thermodynamic analysis of biomass gasification for biomethane production Energy 90 (2015) 1207-1218
42、苏敏,苏宏久,杜宝磊,李晓彤,任高远,王树东 The properties of silica nanoparticles with high monodispersity synthesized in the microreactor system Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology(2014) 72:375–384
41、潘秋实,彭家喜,孙天军,王胜,王树东 Insight into the reaction route of CO2 methanation: Promotion effect of medium basic sites Catalysis Communications 45 (2014) 74–78
40、任新宇,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Highly enhanced selectivity for the separation of CH4 over N2 on two ultra-microporous frameworks with multiple coordination modes Microporous and Mesoporous Materials186 (2014) 137–145
39、任新宇,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Synthesis optimization of the ultra-microporous [Ni3(HCOO)6] framework to improve its CH4/N2 separation selectivity RSC Advances2014, 4, 42326–42336
38、倪长军,潘立卫,袁中山,曹磊,王树东 Study of methane autothermal reforming catalyst JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, Vol. 32, No. 2, Feb. 2014, , P. 184-188
37、白晓波,王胜,孙天军,王树东 The sintering of Ni/Al2O3 methanation catalyst for substitute natural gas production "Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
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36、 白晓波,王胜,孙天军,王树东 Influence of Operating Conditions on Carbon Deposition Over a Ni Catalyst for the Production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from Coal Catal Lett (2014) 144:2157–2166
35、王胜,高典楠,王树东 Steady and Transient Characteristics of Catalytic Flow Reverse Reactor Integrated with Central Heat Exchanger Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2014, 53, 12644−12654
34、孙天军,任新宇,胡江亮,王树东 Expanding Pore Size of Al-BDC Metal−Organic Frameworks as a Way to Achieve High Adsorption Selectivity for CO2/CH4 Separation The Journal of Physical Chemistry 2014, 118, 15630−15639
33、潘秋实,彭家喜,王胜,王树东 In situ FTIR spectroscopic study of the CO2methanation mechanism on Ni/Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 Catalysis Science & Technology2014, 4, 502–509
32、潘秋实,B. H. Liu , M. E. McBriarty ,Y. Martynova ,I. M. N. Groot , 王树东,M. J. Bedzyk ,S. Shaikhutdinov , H.-J. Freund "Reactivity of Ultra-Thin ZnO Films Supported by Ag(111)
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29、胡江亮,孙天军,任新宇,王树东 HF-assisted synthesis of ultra-microporous [Mg3(OOCH)6] frameworks for selective adsorption of CH4 over N2 Microporous and Mesoporous Materials204 (2015) 73–80
28、孙天军,任新宇,胡江亮,王树东 Tianjun Sun, Xinyu Ren,Jiangliang Hu, Shudong Wang Experimental evaluation of the adsorption, diffusion and separation of CH4/N2 and CH4/CO2 mixtures on Al-BDC MOF Separation Science and Technology. 2015, 50(6): 874-885
27、任新宇, 孙天军, 胡江亮, 王树东 金属有机骨架材料在吸附分离CH4/N2中的研究进展 现代化工. 2015, 35(1): 23-29
26、刘为钢,王胜,孙天军,王树东 The Promoting Effect of Fe Doping on Rh/CeO2 for the Ethanol Synthesis CATALYSIS LETTERS (2015) 145:1741–1749
25、胡江亮,孙天军,刘小伟,赵生生,王树东 Rationally tuning the separation performances of [M3(HCOO)6]frameworks for CH4/N2 mixtures via metal substitution Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 225(2016) 456-464
24、胡江亮,孙天军,刘小伟,郭亚,王树东 Separation of CH4/N2 mixtures in metal-organic frameworks with 1D micro-channels RSC Advances 2016 6 64039-64046
23、刘小伟,胡江亮,孙天军,郭亚,Tomas Bennett,任新宇,王树东 Template-based Synthesis of a Formate Metal–Organic Framework/Activated Carbon Fiber Composite for High-performance Methane Adsorptive Separation CHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL,2016 Volume 11, Issue 21 Pages 3014–3017
22、刘小伟,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Composites of metal-organic frameworks and carbon-based materials: preparations,functionalities and applications J.Mater.Chem.A,2016,4,3584-3616
21、韦小丽,孙天军,柯权力,刘小伟,王树东 晶种法合成UZM-9分子筛及其CO2/CH4/N2吸附分离性能 燃料化学学报2017 第45卷,第7期,863-870
20、柯权力,孙天军,韦小丽,郭亚,王树东 Enhanced Trace Carbon Dioxide Capture on Heteroatom-Substituted RHO Zeolites under Humid Conditions Chemsuschem 2017,10,4207-4214
19、柯权力,孙天军,程昊,陈海军,刘小伟,韦小丽,王树东 Targeted Synthesis of Ultrastable High-Silica RHO Zeolite Chemistry-An Asian Journal,2017,12,1043-1047
18、郭亚,胡江亮,刘小伟,孙天军,赵生生,王树东 Scalable solvent-free preparation of [Ni3(HCOO)6] frameworks for highly Chemical Engineering Journal2017,327,564-572
17、刘小伟,郭亚,Andi Tao,Michael Fischer,孙天军,Peyman Z. Moghadam, David Fairen-Jimenez,王树东 "“Explosive” synthesis of metal-formate frameworks for methane capture: an experimental and computational study Chemical Communications,2017,53,11437-11440
16、刘小伟,孙天军,郭亚,柯权力,王树东 Facile and Mild Synthesis of MetalFormate Frameworks for Methane Adsorptive Separation Chemistry. Letters. 2017, 46, 1766–1768
15、韦小丽,孙天军,陈海军,赵生生,王树东 晶种法合成高水热稳定性UZM-9分子筛 应用化工
14、郭亚,孙天军,顾一鸣,刘小伟,柯权力,王树东 Organic-Free, ZnO-Assisted Synthesis of Zeolite FAU with Tunable SiO2/Al2O3 Molar Ratio Chemistry-An Asian Journal,vol(13),Issue(9),1114-1118
13、郭亚,孙天军,顾一鸣,刘小伟,柯权力,韦小丽,王树东 Rational Synthesis of Chabazite (CHA) Zeolites with Controlled Si/Al Ratio and Their CO2/CH4/N2 Adsorptive Separation Performances Chemistry-An Asian Journal,vol(13),Issue(21),3222-3230
12、张磊,潘立卫,倪长军,孙天军,王树东,胡永康,王安杰,赵生生 Effects of precipitation aging time on the performance of CuO / ZnO / CeO2-ZrO2 for methanol steam reforming 燃料化学学报
11、张国权,彭家喜,孙天军,王树东 Effects of the oxidation extent of the SiC surface on the performance of Ni/SiC methanation catalysts 催化学报
10、张国权,孙天军,彭家喜,王胜,王树东 A comparison of Ni/SiC and Ni/Al2O3 catalyzed total methanation for production of synthetic natural gas Applied Catalysis A
9、 张磊,潘立卫,倪长军,孙天军,赵生生,王树东,胡永康,王安杰 CeO2-ZrO2-promoted CuO/ZnO catalyst for methanol steam reforming International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
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7、 任新宇,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Highly enhanced selectivity for the separation of CH4 over N2 on two ultra-microporous frameworks with multiple coordination modes Microporous and Mesoporous Materials186 (2014) 137–145
6、 任新宇,孙天军,胡江亮,王树东 Synthesis optimization of the ultra-microporous [Ni3(HCOO)6] framework to improve its CH4/N2 separation selectivity RSC Advances2014, 4, 42326–42336
5、 白晓波,王胜,孙天军,王树东 The sintering of Ni/Al2O3 methanation catalyst for substitute natural gas production "Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis (2014) 112:437-451"
4、 白晓波,王胜,孙天军,王树东 Influence of Operating Conditions on Carbon Deposition Over a Ni Catalyst for the Production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from Coal Catal Lett (2014) 144:2157–2166
3、 孙天军,任新宇,胡江亮,王树东 Expanding Pore Size of Al-BDC Metal−Organic Frameworks as a Way to Achieve High Adsorption Selectivity for CO2/CH4 Separation The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118, 15630−15639
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1、 刘莹,王胜,孙天军,高典楠,张纯希,王树东 Enhanced hydrothermal stability of high performance lean fuel combustion alumina-supported palladium catalyst modified by nickel Applied Catalysis B 2012,119-120,321-328